Last updated on August 2nd, 2023
Content marketing is a booming field, and that means there is a lot of competition. However, that doesn’t mean that your efforts will not bear fruit. You just need to nudge them in the right direction.
Currently, value-added content commands the highest demand due to its incredible success-to-failure ratio. But you may ask, ‘what is value-added content anyway?’ Well…in short, any type of content that is: a) unique, b) exclusive to your site, and c) useful for the intended readers is considered value-added content.
Creating this kind of content is not very easy, and you should use all the help that you can get. Of course, that means relying on tools of various kinds. In this article, we will check out how you can use certain types of tools to maximize the value of your content.
Tips for Creating Value-Added Content Using Tools
These are some tips that can help you create useful content with the aid of tools.

- Utilize Keyword Research Tools
Keywords are the single most important aspect of your content marketing. They are what search engines use to detect what is the search intent of your content. But guess what? You can also use them to weed out the type of content your visitors are looking for.
To learn this information, you need to first find a keyword research tool. There are plenty of tools available online. However, beware that most research tools are paid or follow some sort of subscription plan or the other. So, you may have to dish out a pretty penny to use them.
As you already know, one of the qualities of value-added content is how useful and informative they are for the reader. With keyword research tools, you can find long-tailed keywords. Long-tailed keywords provide you with a much better idea of the search intent. An example of a long-tailed keyword is as follows:
” How to install a motherboard in your legacy PC case?”
This is an incredibly specific keyword and it instantly tells you what the user is looking for. With keyword research tools, you can find out all the long-tail variants of your primary keyword. Then you can shortlist some of them based on their search volume. The words with the highest search volumes are what most people are interested in.
If you write content that targets such words, it will ensure that your content has a certain amount of success.
- Write Easily Consumable Content with the Help of Tools
Value is added by making content accessible to a diverse spectrum of people. You can make your content as informative as you want, but it will be useless if people cannot understand it and engage with it.
As such, you need to make sure that your content is easily consumable. However, that is actually not an easy problem to solve. Writers get used to their own style of writing and feel that it is flawless. But that is not the case; other people can have quite a bit of trouble understanding certain phrases and words that may be common to you.
To get an unbiased opinion, it is paramount that you use a readability grading tool. Tools like these can use a number of metrics to grade the readability of your content.
If you do end up writing something with a low readability score, you can use another type of tool to improve it; i.e., a paraphrasing tool. Paraphrasers, especially those that utilize AI have options for improving the readability of the given text. They can replace uncommon words and phrases with more commonly used ones.
Ultimately, this makes your write-up easier to read. Consequently, more people are able to engage with your content. As such, its value significantly levels up.
- Ensure Your Write-up is Unique with the Help of Plagiarism Checkers
One part of the definition of value-added content is that it must be unique and exclusive to your platform. That is why duplication of any sort is only good for reducing the value of your content.
Plagiarizing content also has several disadvantages, such as getting a rank reduction in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) or even getting de-indexed. Another disadvantage is that people do not engage with stuff they have read before.
So, to maximize your content value, you need to ensure that there is no plagiarism in your work. Now, don’t take that in an accusing manner, because plagiarism can occur without your knowledge. So, it is always a good idea to check your work for it.
Plagiarism can be reliably detected only with tools. Human beings are not good at figuring out whether content is duplicated or not. With a free plagiarism checker, that is no longer a concern.
A free plagiarism checker can compare your content against a ton of online sources. Most checkers that are free have a word limit. However, to deal with that, you can purchase their premium versions which have a much higher word limit. It is worth noting that free checkers are good enough for standard blog posts.
Once you have figured out the extent to which your content has been duplicated, you can start working on editing it. This way, your content will remain unique and exclusive, thereby maximizing its value.
- Use Analytical Tools to Get Ideas About Future Content
Analytical tools that measure the performance of your content are really good for creating value-added content. With their help, you can find out what type of content performed well and which type did not.
Sometimes, a piece of content may perform very well at the beginning but its performance will drop with the passage of time.
Other times, some content will not have any groundbreaking performance, but it will have consistently high views. Now, depending on what you want more, i.e., a one-hit wonder or a consistently good performing piece, you can consult your previous records to see which types of content performed well.
The good thing about analytical tools is that you can find quite a lot of them for free. One such tool is Google Analytics. You can use it to find out which pages get a large amount of organic traffic.
Then you can create similar content. Here, ‘similar’ does not mean copying the content itself, but only copying the style and format. For example, if you had an article called:
“How to Build a Table”
And it had a lot of views, then you can also create an article about how to create chairs. That’s because you know that your readers are interested in learning how to build furniture themselves. So, you can keep writing articles that cater to that need.

Some Suggested Tools to Help You Along
These are some tools and platforms that you can get help from when trying to maximize the value of your content.
This is an online platform that helps you to create value-added content by hiring competent and experienced writers. This platform has several plans which allow you to hire writers with different experience and expertise levels.

Wittypen also provides you with a user-friendly dashboard that lets you keep track of all your articles and projects in one place. You can start availing of its services for as little as 15 USD per article.
This is an online toolkit mostly known for its content optimization tools. It has a paraphrasing tool with a readability-increasing mode. That mode is called “Fluency”.
It also has a great plagiarism checker that can help you find any duplication that may be present in your work.

It also has other tools like a summarizer and grammar checker that can generally assist you with writing.
This is a platform that provides not only tools such as a paraphraser but also professional help from field experts. If you want to write some content but have no idea where to start, you can go to Ivypanda and pay to meet an expert that can help you write your content.

Tools are good for supplementing your own writing. They can fill the gaps in your work, and provide insights that weren’t obvious to the naked eye.
In this article, we discussed how four types of tools can help you in creating value-added content. We also mentioned that if using tools does not work, you can rely on external help as well.