9 SEO Case Studies That Worked Wonders For Businesses

9 Exceptional Content Marketing Examples

Last updated on June 20th, 2024


Content marketing without Search Engine Optimization (SEO) often lacks visibility and reach, limiting its potential impact. SEO is a familiar term, yet its dynamic nature presents challenges in achieving mastery. However, some companies have successfully navigated these complexities, achieving top rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In our upcoming sections, we will highlight nine companies that have demonstrated exceptional outcomes by implementing robust SEO strategies. Discover how these companies leveraged SEO to drive their growth and gain insights into the effective tactics they employed. Get inspired by their success stories and consider how you might apply similar strategies to enhance your own SEO efforts.

What is an SEO Case Study?

An SEO case study effectively demonstrates how a consultant or agency collaborated with a client to achieve significant improvements in their SEO performance.

Many brands, aiming to enhance their local SEO strategies, choose to work with SEO agencies or consultants to help reach their desired objectives. A case study provides a detailed account of a brand’s journey from their initial position to improved standings in search engine results pages (SERP)—with outcomes like increased organic traffic, higher conversion rates, and improved keyword rankings.

It’s important to note that SEO strategies are not one-size-fits-all. While some principles, such as content creation and keyword optimization, are universal, the application of SEO tactics can vary widely depending on specific industry niches, budget constraints, and business goals.

By examining an SEO case study, you can identify key performance indicators and the strategies employed to achieve those results. These insights offer valuable lessons and actionable tactics that can be tailored to enhance your own brand’s SEO strategy.

9 SEO Case Studies With Mind-Blowing Results

Read along to find how 9 companies boosted their SEO results and gained commendable results with consistent efforts and great planning.

1. Windows Report

Windows Report Statistics

Windows Report is an independent online publication. It is based in the UK and was founded in 2012 by Radu Tyrsina. The website posts content on everything related to Microsoft Windows, including Microsoft guides, software, hardware, and gaming.

Their SEO strategy:

Windows Report implemented the following changes when its growth went stagnant:

Windows Report implemented the following changes when its growth went stagnant:

  • On data.windowsreport.com, the company built a linked graph for the magazine.
  • By using the ‘entity-based content model’, the company redesigned the organization of its content.

The Results:

Windows Report saw 61% organic growth in 8 months, making their monthly organic traffic more than a million.

2. AI Content SEO Case Study

Rahul Bhatia performed a SEO case study on AI written content to understand how well it ranks. For the test, his entire working process remained the same, except “The only thing different this time was all the content pushed on this website was AI content using multiple tools.”

The Strategy:

  • Publishing 400+ AI-written articles from December 2021 to March 2022
  • Creating listicles on generic topics with low-competition keywords
  • Waiting six months to see SEO growth

The Results:

The website saw 129% growth in April-May 2022 with 2.1k organic visitors. However, Google updated its algorithm with a “broad core update” in May 2022, which started devaluing AI content. The organic traffic decreased by 23% after the update and dropped 44.2% by June 2022. 

The good news? Human-written content will never go out of style.

3. SMA Marketing For A Client’s Website

SMA Marketing is an agency that provides personalized inbound marketing and SEO services to companies. For one of their clients who wanted to rank higher in a competitive SERP, SMA marketing implemented the following strategy that resulted in wondrous results.

Their SEO strategy:

For their client, SMA marketing implemented Semantic SEO and structured data onto their website. Here’s how they did it:

  • They implemented a pillar-cluster model. Introduced by HubSpot, the pillar-cluster model includes a pillar page on a core topic that is interlinked with topic clusters made of long-tail keywords around the pillar page’s main keyword. 
  • Building a knowledge base in connection with the linked open web.
  • Optimizing for rich feature snippets with schema markup.
  • Focusing on product reviews, FAQs, and video creation.

The Results:

SMA Marketing’s client noticed a 289.65% rise in website clicks, a 256.76% rise in impressions, and a 211.17% rise in ranking keywords on the website.

4. DiggityMarketing For A Client’s Website

Diggity marketing

DiggityMarketing provides test-based SEO solutions for companies and is founded by Matt Diggity. His team at The Search Initiative implemented SEO strategies for a client that needed more organic traffic toward their core landing pages.   

Their SEO Strategy:

  • Focus on creating new content landing pages via Power Hubs, which is simply the pillar-cluster model.
  • Using informational keywords (keywords in phrases, like questions) to improve the website’s keyword visibility.
  • Optimizing the website’s main menu for easy crawling by Google bot and a seamless user experience for the audiences.
  • Reducing the number of orphan pages on the website (pages with no internal linking).
  • Practicing link building

The Results:

DiggityMarketing’s client’s website’s organic traffic increased by 114.25%. Also, the number of top 100 ranking keywords increased from 2707 to 5013, or by 85.19%.

5. Rtings.com

Rtings.com Statistics

Rtings.com is a website that contains in-depth product reviews to help users find the best product for their needs. 

Their SEO Strategy:

Rtings.com’s SEO strategy includes the following key points.

  • Optimizing the website structure for easy crawling and better UX
  • Creating multiple brand category pages to drive traffic
  • Dividing the category pages into subcategories and product pages
  • Practising internal linking and adding a ‘recommended articles’ section
  • Paying attention to their YouTube channel

The Results:

Rtings.com currently has a 4.1M organic traffic rate on the website, along with 608k backlinks and 2M ranking organic keywords.

 6. Lovish Madaan’s Client

Lovish Madaan’s client’s website was making $0 and costing more than $5k a month. For this lifestyle niche website, he implemented SEO strategies to make the site grow.

The SEO Strategy:

  • Performing keyword research and fixing old content pieces
  • Incorporated schema markup
  • Performing internal linking and forming content clusters
  • Improved website load speed
  • Paid attention to Google’s core web vitals
  • Added the latest FAQs regarding the keyword

The Results:

In three weeks, the website impressions rose from 421k to 839k, and the clicks increased from 6.12k to 11.4k. The website outranked top performing in the industry with 0 DR.

7. Alpino Health Foods

Alpino Health Foods Statistics

Alpino Health Foods is a peanut powerhouse company in India that was founded in 2016 and aims to ‘make India a protein-rich nation’. The company was facing a low conversion rate as it had never focused on SEO and wanted to increase its organic traffic. 

Their SEO Strategy:

  • Conduction a conversion audit (CRO audit) to analyze the customer journey on their website
  • Identifying and rectifying design issues and technical issues to improve UX and SEO mistakes
  • Performing deep data research to make informed decisions by understanding critical pain points
  • Keeping a check on website performance and performing A/B tests on the eCommerce website
  • Creating a content SEO plan

The Results:

Alpino Health Foods saw an 81.79% increase in its website conversion rate. The organic transactions rose by 361.84%, and the organic revenue rose by 515.76%. The organic traffic increased by 133.86%, and the bounce rate decreased by 53.70%.

8. Serious Eats

Serious Eats Statistics

Serious Eats is a culinary website for fresh recipes and cooking tips, among various other great content. For their growth, they paid critical attention to Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines. E-E-A-T in Google stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Their SEO Strategy:

Here’s how Serious Eats improved its website rankings:

  • By designing their home page in a way that showcased their years of operation, monthly readers, and the minds behind the brand at the top of the page to build trust with readers.
  • Crafting an informed and in-depth ‘About Us page
  • Adding a personalized touch by including Editor’s Notes and giving clear recommendations to highlight the experience
  • Getting experienced writers from the industry to showcase expertise on the topic
  • Using self-clicked images instead of stock photos to show authenticity

The Results:

Serious Eats is now a huge website with authority in the domain with 6.5M monthly organic traffic, 3M organic ranking keywords, and over 7M backlinks in its hand.

9. Wastecycle (Now part of Enva)


Wastecycle (now part of Enva) provides recycling and waste management products and services. For their new online skip ordering service, they required digital marketing services to increase their sales and optimize their website SEO.

Their SEO Strategy:

  • Optimizing the website for Local SEO
  • Improving visibility in Google My Business
  • Improving website SEO with on-page techniques
  • Building high-quality backlinks

The Results:

Wastecycle (now part of Enva) visibility in the SERPs was boosted for 3 target cities. The website saw an 87% increase in local traffic, a 150% increase in clicks for the keyword ‘skip hire’, and 297 different keywords ranking on the first SERP.

Moving Forward

Implementing some of the strategies that these companies used for their growth is a smart way to scale yours. What works for most people might not always work for you, but in the world of marketing, there’s never harm in experimentation.

If you’re struggling to create great quality content with SEO to scale your brand, outsource your content needs to Wittypen.

We’re a company with a vetted pool of talented content writers who have vast SEO knowledge to help you grow your brand to greater heights. Don’t worry about the added cost of maintaining a content team – we have got you covered.

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