What Should You Do If You Are an Underpaid Writer?

Last updated on September 24th, 2018

If you are a writer who is passionate about delivering meaningful content, then I am sure you must have often come across the rare occasions of higher payouts. It surely would have boiled your blood. Despite having the right education, the right experience and the right contacts you often find yourself in the zone of underpaid employment. In short – Being an underpaid writer is a painful experience.

underpaid writer

The imbalance between talented writers and the true value that they deserve is not hidden. It is highly annoying to be paid in peanuts. But what is more irking is to see heaps of mediocrity in content writing that exists without an ounce of shame. There are people who call themselves “writers” and are barely able to complete a paragraph without grammatical errors. There are big IT firms, multi-faceted digital marketing agencies that don’t mind having average content being produced. They just blatantly put it out there just because they don’t want to spend more time and money on good content. Therefore, It is painful to see skilled writers like you getting paid less, or maybe getting nothing at all.

We believe that good writers like you who are committed to their craft should be compensated fairly. Since we understand the endeavours that you put in and the struggle that you go through while providing quality content writing, we want to give certain tips that you can use to get what you truly deserve.

Here Is What You Should Do If You Are an Underpaid Writer

1. Stop Overthinking

If you are paid less for what you do, you can undermine your confidence level further by doubting your capabilities. You should completely put a full stop to questions like:

  1. Am I good enough?
  2. There are so many good writers out there. Why would they choose me?
  3. Why can’t I do this?

Hence, these statements are up to no good and all they can do is to deter your fighting spirit. So if you have to be on the top of your game, then you need to project yourself as someone who is not only confident about his/her skills but also proud of them.

2. Don’t Play It Safe

What I am going to talk here is very much linked to the first point. Just because “everyone” likes a particular content type or a particular content piece is the “popular” choice, you should not limit yourself to writing what “everyone will like or what is accepted in the industries. I mean, I am not asking you to be a rebel. I am just asking you to have faith in your creativity and ability to take risks. You should not suppress the “creative thinker” in you because of the fear of rejection or because of the possibility of your content being controversial. Therefore, you should be able to pen down your honest most thoughts. This is how you will become a noticeable writer, who would be revered and valued for speaking his/her mind out.

3. Don’t Accept Low Rates

This is where you go wrong in establishing your value amongst your peers and potential clients. Just because you are at the starting point of your career or you want to please your clients, you can’t accept a price that does nothing to justify your quality of work. You know what is worse than getting paid less. It is “Quoting your priceless”. You need to build your portfolio and writing career in a way such that where you really believe that time is money and that your time is valuable. At that stage, you will have the sheer confidence of asking what you deserve. And believe you me, you will surely get that.

4. Start Upgrading Yourselves

Building your skill set at any point in life is a good idea. Whether it’s your apprehension about using social media or it’s your low frequency of writing, you need to improve on them all to sustain in the market and ofcourse establish your real worth. Staying abreast of what is happening in the world of writing is crucial for you to trod ahead in the journey of right pay. Building your skills is not only a resume-booster; it will also position you for personal and professional opportunities.

5. Have a Good Mix of Creativity and Business Strategy

I understand that you are a writer, and the creative streak in you prods you to “innovate” and “imagine”. But for you to be financially stable and get what you deserve, you need to attach a business value to your creativity. You need to be very well aware of:

  • The services you are going to offer
  • To whom you will offer your services
  • Your experience
  • The value of your time
  • The value you provide to your customers.

Ultimately, the answers to these questions will become the foundation of your business plan, which is your roadmap to becoming a well-paid writer. So, with this, I have arrived at the conclusion of the article which is” as a writer you should never fail to assess your true value, and you should keep honing your skillsets to establish yourself as an entity or a brand that is irreplaceable.”
While we would want you to keep a note of those above tips, we would also like to enlighten you with the fact that we at WittyPen are always on the lookout for writers who provide quality content writing.

We make sure that the writers who contribute to making our platform even better should never be valued lesser than what they deserve. So, if you think, you can be a valuable addition to the team and you don’t want to be an underpaid writer, then you can apply at our platform.

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