21 Best SEO Blogs Every Website Owner Should Check Out

20 Best SEO Blogs Every Website Owner Should Check Out

Last updated on June 20th, 2024

Did you know that only 0.63% of searchers move to page two of Google search results? That means most searchers trust and stick to the results on page one.

And how are the top results ranked? Based on Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to the process of getting traffic from free and organic search results on search engines. It helps improve the ranking of websites in search results and the quality of traffic.

For best results, it’s important to find trustworthy sources, like top blogs on SEO, that share the correct updates and are easy to follow. To help with that, we have curated a list of the 20 best SEO blogs that cover five important SEO strategies. Keep reading to learn more.

Criteria for Selecting the Top SEO Blogs

SEO blog posts are some of the best sources for the latest updates. But to get the latest information, you need to follow blogs that meet certain important criteria.

These are four main factors to consider when choosing blogs to follow.

  • Relevance to SEO Topics

A blog that is considered relevant covers three things.

  1. Details: Look for meaty content! Each section in the blog should flesh out ideas in detail so you understand each strategy well.
  2. The Present: Timeliness is important. Blogs that cover old SEO strategies/outdated techniques are not worth your time. 
  3. Solutions: The end result should be that you get a good idea of the topic you look up—e.g., a good blog on on-page SEO will also give you a clear strategy/solution you can follow. 
  • Quality and Originality of Content

This one is a no-brainer—the best blog for SEO will be of high quality. The language will be good, the content will be structured so it’s easy to read, and there will be backlinks to quality sources.

Most importantly, the content will be original. If a blog has generic content that you can find on multiple websites, it’s probably not worth reading or following.

  • Frequency of Updates

Best SEO bloggers constantly update their blogs so readers are always aware of the latest trends. They update anywhere between three to five times a week.

A blog that seldom updates is probably not the best blog to follow. 

  • User Engagement

User engagement is a metric that analyzes every action a user takes on a website. A blog with high user engagement is shared more frequently and ranked high on search engines.

This is why the first few blogs on the first page of the search results are considered trustworthy.

In the next section, we have elaborated on the main types of SEO strategies and added examples of the best SEO blogs to follow for relevant information.

21 Best SEO Blogs to Follow for Actionable Insights 

Let’s look at the five main types of SEO and the best SEO blogs to follow for each one.

A. On Page SEO 

On-page SEO is a basic strategy that involves optimizing a webpage to improve its rankings on the search engine. This is primarily done by:

  • Publishing relevant, unique, high-quality content, and
  • Optimizing headlines, title tags, metadata, URLs, internal and external links, and images.

Below are the four best blogs to follow for on-page SEO.

1. Wittypen- The Only On-Page SEO Checklist 2024

Wittypen is a content outsourcing platform, and works closely with content writing, which is the core on any on-page SEO activity. Their On-Page SEO Checklist 2024.

Here is their On-Page SEO checklist:

On page seo

2. HubSpot – The Ultimate Guide to On-Page SEO in 2023

HubSpot, a CRM platform that offers software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service, aids companies in delivering the best possible customer experience on a single platform. 

Their blogs cover a wide range of topics, from sales and marketing to business, technology, and more. 

Their blog on on-page SEO is easy-to-read but full of insights and tips, making it one of the best blogs for SEO.

Here’s a quick overview of what makes it a good blog:

  • Begins with a quick overview of the topic and lists the essentials of the strategy that can be handy for the readers
  • Includes an informative video and backlink to helpful blogs
  • Clearly explains the ideas with examples, making it one of the best SEO blogs for beginners

3. Mangools –  On-Page SEO in 2023: The practical guide to on-page SEO for beginners

Mangools is an affordable, user-friendly SEO tool that consists of tools for keyword research, investigating SERPs, tracking rankings, and analyzing the backlinks of competitors.

The tool is used by bloggers, SEO agencies, affiliate marketers, and more. 

Here’s a quick overview of what makes their on-page SEO blog a good blog to follow:

  • Very clear structure that covers each and every part of on-page SEO in detail
  • Has a handy checklist and valuable links for more research, making it an easy and thorough read
  • Clear depiction of examples so all readers can follow

4. Ryan Robinson – 10 On-Page SEO Strategies to Use in 2023

Ryan Robinson is an entrepreneur, content marketer, and online educator who has been blogging for over ten years and has worked with top companies like LinkedIn, Google,  Zendesk, Adobe, Oracle, etc. 

He writes a lot about blogging and his blog on On-page SEO is a great read for many reasons:

  • A video on the topic that is pretty thorough and would aid readers better
  • Uses simple language that clearly explains and adds helpful screenshots as examples
  • Explains the idea of on-page SEO using a tool so readers can understand it firsthand
  • Suggests bonus tips that readers can follow

5. Digital Marketing Institute: The Complete Guide to On-Page and Off-Page SEO

As the name suggests, Digital Marketing Institute is a platform that offers digital marketing certification courses. They have over 220,000 members and 25,000+ professionals.

Here’s a quick overview of their on-page best SEO blog:

  • Simple language that covers the topic in detail.
  • Covers why and how on-page SEO is important with reference to content – is an important topic since all SEO strategies are used in the context of content marketing

While all four blogs cover the strategy in good detail, you can pick and follow the ones that offer the details you need to meet your end goal with on-page SEO.

B. Off – Page SEO 

Off-page SEO, usually implemented along with on-page SEO, involves steps taken outside your website to improve its rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). It usually involves practices like link building, social media marketing, guest posting, etc. 

Here are some of the popular ways in which off-page SEO strategies can be implemented.

  • Link building (linking other posts from your website, getting others to share links to your site, guest posting and linking back to your site, etc.)
  • Brand mentions
  • Getting reviews for your site
  • Social media marketing and Influencer marketing

Below are the four best blogs to follow for off-page SEO.

6. Moz – Off-Page SEO

Moz is a popular SEO software suite that aids in improving search engine visibility by providing updated and actionable insights. Their set of tools aims to help improve search rankings and traffic and gain more customers.

Here’s a quick overview of their off-page SEO blog:

  • A quick read that covers all there is to know about the topic; readers who want a quick understanding of the concept should read this blog
  • Helpful links added for readers who might want to learn more about the concept in detail

7. Search Engine Journal – Off-Page SEO: An In-Depth Guide

Search Engine Journal is inarguably one of the best SEO blogs to follow for reliable updates on all that’s happening in the world of SEO. They cover news, interviews, and how-to guides from marketing experts all over the world.

Here’s why their off-page best SEO blog is one the best blogs to follow:

  • All the changes that Google introduced are updated 
  • Relevant links to Google added so readers can check out the notices related to those updates
  • Covers ideas that were popular before and clearly explains what’s right, what’s wrong, and why
  • Offers helpful resources related to the topic for a better understanding of the topic

8. WebFX – What Is Off-Page SEO? Your Complete Guide to Off-Page Optimization in 2023

WebFX is an online platform that offers digital marketing solutions and helps create customized strategies for their client. They aid in boosting leads and revenue and use various digital channels to meet this goal.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog:

  • Since they offer off-page SEO services, they have added helpful links related to their offerings in the beginning
  • Aso have videos on the topic – always a helpful resource for readers of all kinds
  • Handy checklists and the best tools to use for off-page SEO shared

9. Yoast – SEO basics What is off-page SEO?

Yoast SEO is an SEO plug-in for WordPress. Their vision is to make SEO accessible for all; to that end, they provide tools, courses, and other resources. If you are looking for best SEO blogs for beginners, Yoast is a good option to check out.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on off-page SEO:

  • Language used is easy to follow, and they offer helpful links
  • Content is succinct but full of useful information written for readers from all backgrounds

Choose the best blog to follow from these based on the kind of resource you are looking for – quick overview or detailed guides.

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C. Programmatic SEO

Programmatic SEO involves creating and publishing multiple high-quality pages using a specific template and a database. The goal here is to create bulk content of similar depth and quality.

Below are the four best SEO blogs to follow for Programmatic SEO.

Like Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land is a platform that covers all news and the latest updates that take place in the world of SEO. They also conduct events and courses online taught by professionals that anyone can sign up for. 

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on Programmatic SEO:

  • Straightforward language supported by data and infographics
  • Real-world examples of the implementation of the strategy and the results given
  • A step-by-step guide given for readers to follow, along with additional resources

11. Webflow – Programmatic SEO: how to create 300 landing pages in a week

Webflow is a SaaS application that helps designers build responsive websites using browser-based visual editing software. One of the things they cover is ensuring that the website is optimized for SEO. 

Their blog covers a wide range of topics but their blog on programmatic SEO is definitely worth a read:

  • For the best understanding, they provide a real-life example
  • Also has a helpful video that explains their CMS
  • Readers can read and implement the strategy simultaneously thanks to their tutorials, tools, and other resources

12. TheWebsiteFlip – Guide To Programmatic SEO For Niche Sites

TheWebsiteFlip is a platform specializing in website flipping, which refers to buying websites and improving them by increasing their traffic or making more money from the usual amount of visitors, or both, and selling them for a profit.

They also have a newsletter on buying, growing, and selling websites.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on programmatic SEO:

  • Clear and concise language with an easy-to-follow structure
  • Real-life examples of successful implementation of this SEO strategy elaborated on 
  • Also covers the disadvantages, so anyone interested in implementing the strategy knows both the pros and cons
  • Overall, a complete guide to the strategy, with tips, methods, sources to follow, and even a tutorial

13. BCMS – Programmatic SEO examples: the ultimate list of 40+ use cases

BCMS is a CMS platform that aims to ease the process of web design and win over all clients. 

The CMS is available on any gadget, has 90+ languages to choose from, lets users use any programming language, and offers all the necessary features to efficiently and effectively build websites. 

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on programmatic SEO:

  • Multiple examples of real-life implementation of the strategy.
  • A summary of what exactly the examples say about the strategy.

The guides for programmatic SEO are very thorough, so you can definitely follow any/all of these blogs and reap good benefits!

D. Semantic SEO

Semantic SEO focuses more on the content produced – the topic, queries popularly raised related to it, etc. Rather than focus on keywords, it involves ensuring that your website is ranked and Google crawlers recognize it as an authority on the niche you write in. 

When you produce content that covers selected topics thoroughly, you are considered an expert, and the dwell time also increases.

Below are the four best blogs to follow for Semantic SEO.

14. Wittypen – Semantic SEO: Maximize Your Website’s Rank With These Techniques

Wittypen is a content writing service platform that aims to provide high-quality content for clients in various industries. In addition to producing content, they also provide SEO optimization and related services.

They have a blog that covers all topics related to the world of content marketing, SEO being one of the topics. Here’s a quick overview of their blog on semantic SEO:

  • Covers all aspects of the SEO strategy in clear, concise language
  • Goes over the updates by Google so readers can better understand the exact changes that have taken place over the years
  • Explains the strategy in the form of a step-by-step guide with useful infographics and images
  • Also covers tips to follow when implementing the strategy and common mistakes to avoid

15. Holistic SEO – What is Semantic SEO? How to Use Semantic SEO for Better Rankings

Holistic SEO is a blog that discusses different aspects of SEO and its implementation and offers guides on various related topics.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on semantic SEO:

  • Images that add value to the content/explain the concepts discussed visually
  • Implementation of this SEO strategy is divided into different how-to sections, making it easier for readers to follow and understand
  • Valuable backlinks for readers interested in diving deeper into the subject

16. Rockcontent – Semantic SEO: Rank Higher with These 11 Best Practices

Rock Content offers marketing products and services for building content experiences at scale. Companies like FedEx, IBM, Reuters, and American Express use their services for premium content experience.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on semantic SEO:

  • A comprehensive overview of the concept of semantic SEO and bolden certain phrases for easy readability
  • Focus is on the best practices that can be implemented for optimal results with semantic SEO

17. Moz – How to Apply Semantic SEO to Different Niches

As seen before, Moz is an SEO software suite that aids in improving search engine visibility by providing a set of tools to improve search rankings and traffic.

Here’s a quick overview of their semantic SEO blog:

  • Explains the idea of semantic SEO briefly and largely focuses on its application
  • Covers the latest updates by Google
  • Real-world examples and relevant tool suggestions added
  • Shares useful tips that can help make the implementation process seamless

Each blog offers something different, but they are all relevant and some of the best SEO blogs to follow for semantic SEO.

E. Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is a strategy that involves optimizing the technical aspects of search engines, such as checking the website architecture, page speed, indexing, crawling, etc., to improve your website’s organic rankings.

Below are the four best blogs to follow for Technical SEO.

18. Semrush Blog – What Is Technical SEO? Basics and 10 Best Practices

Semrush offers services like SEO, Keyword Research, PPC, SMM, Competitive Research, PR, Content Marketing, Campaign Management, and more to improve online visibility and discover marketing insights.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on technical SEO:

  • Guide to the strategy and best practices
  • Helpful infographics for easy understanding of the content
  • Guide to using their tool and for SEO and tools by Google and screenshots for reference

18. WordStream – How to Do a Technical SEO Audit in 6 Steps

WordStream is a Google Premier partner and an online advertising company offering software and services for Search Advertising. They specialize in PPC advertising. 

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on technical SEO:

  • Detailed guide that covers the topic thoroughly
  • Simple language, usage of bullets for better readability
  • An easy-to-follow checklist for handy reference 
  • Screenshots showing real time insights post implementation of strategy

20. NeilPatel – The 5-Point Technical SEO Checklist For Bloggers

Neil Patel is a New York Times Bestselling author, an influencer, and a financial blogger. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the UN.

Here’s a quick overview of his blog on technical SEO:

  • Video explaining the strategy briefly 
  • Useful backlinks for thorough understanding of the subject
  • Images to easily explain ideas
  • Covers the steps to follow with screenshots for reference

21. Google Search Central – Maintaining your website’s SEO

Formerly known as Webmasters is a web service that can be used to check search queries, indexing status, crawling errors, and optimize website visibility.

Since it’s by Google, it can be considered one of the best SEO blogs.

Here’s a quick overview of their blog on technical SEO:

  • Straightforward overview of the SEO strategy
  • Many helpful backlinks
  • Plethora of information with clear structure and breakdown of content for easy reading and referencing

While all the blogs discussed above are good to follow, choose the ones that answer your specific questions and help meet your objectives for your website.

Key Takeaway 

Primarily, SEO helps by

  • increasing traffic to websites,
  • targeting the right audience through keywords,
  • building credibility through link-building, and
  • smoothening the technical aspects like metadata, tags, etc., to ensure the site ranks well.

To get the best benefits, you should update yourself on the latest trends in SEO. For reference, follow the best SEO blogs shared in this post, get relevant and timely updates, and see the best results!

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