Last updated on February 29th, 2024
We all have great content ideas. Sometimes, these hit us over a breakfast table conversation and sometimes, while we ponder under a warm shower. However, great ideas without a structure or strategy to materialize them are futile. Finding the best content writing tools in the market becomes a tedious process.
To make sure that our content creation strategy hits the bull’s eye, along with original content, it’s necessary to streamline our ideas. This will help us with the actual implementation of those thoughts as opposed to them fizzling out in an unstructured ecosystem.
So, we are here to help you with some of the online content writing tools for researching, curating, and writing great content.
Content Writing Tools To Create Ranking Content
Now that you’ve done your research, you’re ready to slam your keyboard and pour out all your thoughts and theories (well, don’t literally kill your keyboard).
1. Wittypen
This is a content creation platform driven to bring better results to publishers, give a voice to a huge pool of writers, and ultimately, satisfy the end user out there by providing professional content writing services.
They partner with a huge number of freelance content writers with years of professional experience to bring to you the best-brewed content for your specific needs. They also provide solutions and suggestions for your content marketing strategy. Need fresh and original content; talk to Wittypen –

2. Curata
This is an excellent platform for you as a content marketer since they provide a forum to discover and share content to blogs, newsletters, etc., specific to the industry. Curata admits that one of the keys to fresh and original content creation is content curation.
They won’t let you burn out in an attempt to endlessly generate new ideas, but let you relax those nerves a little, and create strategically, with support. Relied upon by some of the biggest companies and industry experts in the world, Curata is one content marketing platform that you must definitely consult before content creation.

3. ClearVoice
ClearVoice is a database to organize, regulate, and simplify your content workflow. You and I, both know that content marketing is the new solution now. But, it won’t be effective if you’re all over the place.
ClearVoice helps you with exactly this – streamlining your work into an organized system. Your process of content creation and curation, thus, made simpler.

4. Hemingway
One of the best content writing tools, Hemingway is just what you need whether you’re a starter or a professional. This is a distraction-free writing app that lets you remain focused on your idea and put them down on paper (or screen, rather) without having to stop to look left or right.
While you’re in the zone and racing your fingers over the keyboard, looking out for the comma in that complex sentence is something that you might miss or could break your flow. This is why you choose to write in Hemingway which does the job for you.

5. Ilys
‘Pure writing flow’ Yes, Ilys guarantees this because it is programmed like this. Ilys is a very effective writing tool for practically everybody but is probably also harder on you than your gym coach. You are, however, grateful to them for keeping you in that routine when you see results, right?
You will be grateful to Ilys too. You have to feed in your target word count, which Ilys will lock, implying that you cannot stop writing until the word count is reached. It does not allow you to delete, go back, or edit before you reach that target.
Once done, you have complete freedom to edit as you like. Ilys does this so that you can form a good habit, dear writer, to keep the processes separate and improve your flow, helping you create long-form content and time management skills.

Top Content Research Tools
SEO storytelling for content marketing is an art form. Whether you’re a college student writing a research paper, or the CEO of a thriving content agency who’s mastered the art of writing, your key tool before you write is to read. I know it because I read it before I wrote this piece.
The same piece is now furnished properly and is at your disposal to scroll through. That blank page holds umpteen possibilities for different writers, but more often than not, it starts in a similar way for most of them, with the constant blinking of that intimidating cursor. There are various challenges that you must have faced and probably continue to face as you sit down to write.
This becomes very creatively draining since it is not easy to generate new ideas on a regular basis and to create spot-on content for your user. However, you and I, both know that this is no excuse either. So, here are some of the best content writing tools that industry experts stand by to improve content writing skills to keep you well informed and ideating.
6. Feedly
Like they say, ‘Be in the know.’ Feedly is a news aggregator application that operates across various devices running on Android and iOS and also has a cloud service. This tool keeps you up-to-date with everything from the latest blog post of your competitor to the newly uploaded YouTube video of your favorite channel.
With its easy availability and accessibility, you can go through important feeds and trending topics to know what you should be creating your content on, next.

This is what your display will look like. You have the selected categories and other user options along the left column and your daily digest will appear on the main screen.
7. RSS Feed Reader
An extremely useful tool with omnipresence on the Internet, RSS Feed Reader monitors a massive range of online information sources to see what is changing and constantly being updated.

It allows a user to monitor news sites, blogs, Twitter or Facebook pages, financial information, daily deals, classified sites, and government alerts, to name just a few. It is, however, often misunderstood for its purpose. So, consider this – RSS is basically your personal spy.
There is no point in subscribing to all those web sources if you cannot keep track of their new updates/posts. By subscribing to the RSS feed of a website, you take that extra step ahead. The browser monitors the site and alerts you every time there is an update while keeping your private information safe.
So, be it a conversation with your friend over a coffee or your next content topic, you are soundly prepared.
8. Digg
What the Internet is about right now.’ Clear from its tagline, Digg is another news aggregator website that is designed to keep up with the most trending topics for an Internet audience. This is one of the best apps for social news.
By following Digg, you are making sure that you never miss out on the most happening and potential topics that your content can cover.

Yes, they have an exclusive section on Donald Trump too.
9. Google Trends
The name sounds simple, doesn’t it? Well, what this tool does is incredibly helpful. It analyses how trending a particular topic is on the basis of the frequency of Google searches made around the world.
It calculates and gives you results based on time (year-wise), location, and also by category.
For instance, the most searched topic currently, across most parts of the world, is the FIFA World Cup. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Google Trends also provides a feature to compare the trends of the different keyword(s) or topic searches against each other to get a sense of their popularity or similarity and differences among those.
Modify your target keywords and seed keywords and you can strategize on the basis of these trends and fill the existing gaps with your content. So, here you know which medium of marketing is better preferred.
This is your analytics tool to analyze social networking sites for specific hashtags, keywords, posts, etc.

Keyhole does a complete timeline check to show you the popularity of a particular topic. It also gives you related topics, top user postings, location-based results, and so on.
Digital Publishing and Advertising Platforms
Researched and written, your content piece is now ready. But, the process does not just end there. You need to publish and ensure your landing page has an effective reach, right?
For this, we have compiled a list of platforms that help you publish your content online in a user-friendly and optimized manner, so as to strengthen your current user base and attract new ones.
Suggested Reading: Top 10 Content Writing and Marketing Courses With Certifications
11. Outbrain
These people have taken content marketing to a whole new level with a will to genuinely interest their users, and not impose upon them. Outbrain taps into the user’s mind and actually engages them with content that is appealing and engrossing.
Theirs is a content recommendation platform that puts the word out about your brand on many web publishing sites.
Their key focus is to keep the user/viewer engaged and on-site for as long as possible. In the words of David Sassoon, the Founding COO, “Algorithmically, at Outbrain, what we’ve really been trying to tackle is how do you… power serendipity through data.” Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? They are your go-to people to help you spread the word.

12. OneSpot
“Don’t just promote your content, use it to build relationships.” Like Outbrain, OneSpot has a similar agendum – engage with your user repeatedly to build a relationship.
They believe in not only distributing content as far and wide as possible but also in holding on to your existing customer base by delivering personalized and preferred content. They “remarket” content recommendations across digital devices, making you the user’s favorite stop for relatable and desired content.

13. CodeFuel
“CodeFuel is a key ingredient when it comes to content marketing, in making the Internet accessible for everyone through intelligent advertising.” Makes it clear what they do, does it not? CodeFuel is another one of those big names in this domain that helps brands and organizations scale their product by laying emphasis on user needs.
Adam Goodvach, the company’s business development VP, says, “What we’re focusing on is the intent of the user.” By providing relevance, they draw on their user’s interests, and by delivering analytics that wraps ad units in a simple manner, they keep the publisher updated with how they’re being interacted with.

14. Acrolinx
Acrolinx is the only software in this domain that is powered by AI and uses techniques like natural language processing as part of the larger process of machine learning. It understands your content, evaluates it, and then guides you to optimize it in a way to reach a user base that will find applicability in your content.
From guiding the writer with grammar and tone to ensuring ROI, Acrolinx is an SEO tool that heavily enhances your entire content marketing and content writing process. Acrolinx has been chosen by some of the world’s most powerful brands and organizations, creating suitable and high-performing content for them.

15. Percussion
Similar to Acrolinx, Percussion is a content management and development system that helps you boost your strategy and take control of your website. Helping you to revamp your website without you having the technical skills for it, they “focus on getting the right digital content to the right channel at the right time.”

16. Readz
This is a digital publishing software that helps you create and publish your content with the right visual appeal. Like they say, ‘Experience limitless web publishing.’ They do not restrict you with templates; they allow you all the free space you need to create your design.
Their main goal is to help you build and publish effectively and consistently, gaining the desired results.

So, these are the best content writing tools for researching, curating, and writing great content. We hope that these state-of-the-art tools equip you to upgrade your methods and get better returns. Happy marketing!